You don’t need to know the history of sauna to observe the basic principles of steambathing. Considering that we don’t have a sauna at home, we usually use it somewhere else, with other people. There are certain rules that you have to respect.
What are the benefits of sauna?
- strenghtens and tempers the immune system
- cleanses the airways
- detoxifies
- purifies and oxygenates the skin
- supports treatment of certain diseases
- positively affects the circulatory system and the heart (reduces the risk of a heart attack and a stroke)
- improves the metabolism
- supports muscle regeneration
- relaxes
How to use a sauna?
- Before you enter the sauna, you need to get accustomed with the rules, which tell you all about savoir vivre of this particular place and health contraindications (there’s a lot of them!).
- You mustn’t enter under the influence of alcohol.
- You shouldn’t enter with an empty or full stomach.
- It is recommended to use the sauna regularly – three times a week, in the evenings. In spite of its relaxing influence, it can be a little tiring. One session in the sauna consists of three enterings – from 5 to 15 minutes each. You should take a shower (a warm, then a cold one) between them and take a rest (in a lying position) for about 15 minutes.
- The sauna is a place where nudity applies, therefore you have to be naked inside. It’s all about the hygiene and safety. If you are wrapped in a towel, you block the process of heat exchange, whereas swimming costumes or trunks may burn your skin. However, you are allowed to wear cotton underwear, which won’t be an obstacle for detoxication. In Poland, it is said that wrapping in a towel is allowable and remains within the etiquette. Nevertheless, the decision is made by the sauna user (unless the rules state otherwise) because comfort is the most important.
- You mustn’t wear jewellery, as you can get your skin burnt.
- You should take a towell to a dry sauna in order to lie or sit down on it and a second one if you choose to cover your body with it (or with a pareo). There’s no use to do it in a steam sauna – due to the steam the towell becomes wet and heavy.
- We enter the sauna barefoot. You are obliged to leave the footwear outside.
- Although the time spent in a sauna successfully outs toxins, viruses and bacteria from your system, you have to remember not to use it when you’re sick! Sorry, too late! You can seriously cause yourself harm. You can make your system resistant but not cure it.
Savoir-vivre! How to behave in a sauna?
Before a sauna session you must take a shower. It happens that, especially at the gym, you enter the sauna right after you finish your workout! Don’t go this road! The skin requires refreshing and to be carefully dried. Hygiene and comfort of users above all!
- When you’re entering the room you can’t pretend that other people are not there (even if they are naked what can be surprising for somebody). You should politely say ‘hello’ and later ‘goodbye’.
- Inside people speak quitely and if the temperature is uncomfortable, you should try not to moan. Unfortunately, this situation is common – especially for beginners. After all, it is supposed to be hot!
- It’s worth to act discreetly – don’t peep at other users. Intrusiveness and innuendos can result in getting banned from the sauna.
- We enter and leave the sauna dynamically. We don’t hesitate and daydream. Close the door quickly because the heat is getting away.