- Fashion blog www.blog.bolf.eu
You surely know a TV show like 'Gok's Fashion Fix' where people, who have got some potential left, undergo transformation. Due to the perfectly matched clothes to somebody's silhouette, a noninvasive cosmetic treatment, a hair cut and great make up it is possible to obtain an impressive effect and an absolute change of someone's look.
Pencil cases equipped? Crayons sharpened? It's high time to think about school fit and to go to the shopping mall.
A pirate styling? A cowboy yoking horses on the Wild West or a tattooed harley biker – a lone wolf pacing through Route 66?
New men's trends are inducing a wave of emotions for the first time and big time because it concerns an alleged deposition. It's the perfect definition. It's caused by the rumour saying that the lumberjack is coming back from the woods and sees a prince sitting on his throne. Is it a revolution or much ado about nothing?