How to get up in the morning and don’t look like a zombie? The answer is…
Prepare for it in the evening!
- Eat a light supper a few hours before going to bed. Avoid coffee, chocolate and red wine. Briefly speaking, don’t drive your bowels crazy. In order to get up fresh, you have got to sleep well through the night. Stodgy or stimulating food won’t be helpful here.
- Your humour is the priority. Lie down happy. And better not alone, because if you sleep with a beautiful woman, so both of you should be happy! There’s nothing better than great relationships and atmosphere for sleeping. How to achieve that? It’s up to you!
- If you don’t sleep near an open window, you should air the room out before going to sleep. Thanks to that you will have no problem with getting up in the morning.
At night.
- Try to keep proper temperature in the bedroom. It shouldn’t be too cold or too hot. Find the right balance. It depends on whether you like to sleep in pyjamas or naked. You can get yourself a thick blanket or use a flannel pyjamas and fleece socks that you got from granny. Why not? It’s up to you.
- One of the most important things you can do is sleeping by an open window. Firstly, it allows regulating the temperature in the room. Secondly, because it provides fresh air.
- Always sleep at regular hours. Despite the popular opinion, to get a good mood, it’s not the number of hours that matter, but the quality of sleeping, strictly speaking – going to sleep and waking up at regular hours. Even at weekends. If you don’t do this, maybe it’s better to try it out for some time. It’s hard at the beginning but it gives results. It’s the matter of getting used to it.
- Limit the noise. If you don’t live in the forest or in a house with a garden, the idea of opening the window for the night isn’t for you. You can’t help the street sounds. You may use ear plugs, obviously. However, they are not as effective as they seem to be.
In the morning.
- Turn off the alarm clock and get up! Without hesitation. The more reasons you have to stay in bed, the more unhappy and discouraged you will feel. If it doesn’t convince you, move the alarm clock to another room. You will be forced to get up and go turn it off.
- Your system is dehydrated in the morning and needs oxygen. Drink a glass of water. Drinking water on an empty stomach will stimulate your metabolism, limit your fatigue and make you feel light and fresh. Take a couple of deep breaths.
Exercise. If you feel stunned after waking up, we suggest going for a short run in the open. It allows you to get yourself together. Anyway, it’s worth to get any kind of exercise. It depends on what you prefer – at home or at the gym. The more you give from yourself, the more energy you get for the day. A workout boosts up endorphines. If you find it too hard, you can do some stretching at least. The body needs some activity after a couple hours of sleeping. A few minutes of stretching will fasten the blood circulation, add energy and increase the motivation. Just start a new day with such power.
- Be careful with coffee. You can drink it, of course. A morning cup of coffee is an element of the lifestyle for millions of people all over the world and nothing is able to replace it. However, regular drinking of the same amount of coffee will addict your system to it and there will be no boosting effect.
- Remind yourself what have you planned for today, turn the music on and feel great.
Do you want to start right away? You already know how to get up in the morning! Every day is yours!