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Washing clothes. Tricks you had no idea about!

February 22, 2017 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


If you choose your clothes carefully and have a broader concept, it means that you like them and want them to stay the same as when purchased – you need to know how vital a proper washing can be! You never know what awaits you in the future, so don't count on your girlfriend or mother and learn some basics!


Take care of your hands

February 15, 2017 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


Keeping your hands neat is essential, they are something like your business card. The majority of people pay attention to the hands of another person. This applies both to a business meeting and men-women relations.


Men’s Drink: Rob Roy

May 27, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


Who hasn't read or watched 'Rob Roy'? The tales of the legendary outlaw and leader who was famous for his worthiness and romantic soul. Most of you know the history of this Scottish Robin Hood written by Walter Scott. But do you know that he even has his own drink?