A men’s watch! The attribute of a classy guy who is aware and cares about his style.
Every man who wears a watch should have at least a few of them. He doesn’t have to become a collector at once. A few basic models that fit to particular stylings will be enough. Why not just one? Imagine that you’re at a job interview. Your possible boss asks you about the time, you unveil your watch and there’s a sporty watch… You’ve just made a negative first impression. The way you match a watch to a styling and situation is crucial and affects your image. If you don’t wear a watch or you’re not convinced to wear it everyday back to the article 6 reasons for wearing a watch.

How to match a watch to a styling?
- If you want to get a formal look, place a bet on a classic watch with a leather strap (match its colour with the shoes) and a simple and stylish case. Get a subtle and discreet model that complements your look and proves the owner’s competence and class. Keep in mind that a watch should fit to other accessories, such as cufflinks or a leather buckle.
- Need a casual watch that fits both to jeans and a T-shirt but also to a casual blazer? Get a one that has a fancy strap or a metal band. Don’t get too far and get more casual, but still a neutral watch. Remember that you have to match it with various levels of formality and colours.
- The more contrasting with the image, the less formal. Sporty watches are great within streetwear and casual style. To a camo-patterned styling, select a men’s sports watch with the same pattern or with a colourful band and a digital dial. Such watches are versatile, durable and lightweight. They are often water resistant and have useful functions like an alarm or a stopwatch. They’ll be a perfect choice for a man who is active, does jogging regardless of weather conditions or goes to the gym. Amazing to urban and sporty stylings.
- While selecting a watch, remember about one general rule – proportions. If you’re a slim and a short guy, don’t decide on a big case. Your watch should be adjusted to the width of the wrist – neither too large nor too small.
Regardless of your choice, a technologically advanced watch or a grandfather’s one – it’s worth to wear it! Especially if it fits both to your image and personality. A watch is a really important accessory of a man.
July 19, 2017 at 4:55 am
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