What’s the reason for this global monarchy?
Well, it all began at this year’s Paris Fashion Week that ended a couple of days ago. To the surprise of many, it didn’t promote the lumbersexual type of man (read more: Is the lumberjack style a patent for manhood?), who had reigned for a long time. The fashion designers didn’t decide to continue this trend.
This year, delicate men with smooth faces who wear elegant blazers in deep colours took control of the catwalks. This way, heavy boots, checked flannel shirts, trimmed beards and gloomy looks went out of date.
Without announcing, they have been all replaced with elegant outfits resembling old-fashioned stylings with various hair styles and romantic looks taken straight from Disneyland.
Manor patterns, caring about details and elegance suggest breaking up with a cool look and controlled nonchalance in stylings. The propositions of French designers cover the streetwear fashion to some extend. For instance, people in London have recently observed a new men’s hair style trend – plaits a’la Tymoshenko on the top oh the head… Is a new era really about to come?
Will the streets soon be full of guys looking like aristocracy representatives? The furry collars, gold decorations and general splendor presented during the Paris Fashion Week suggest this assumption.
This new trend will surely break through and the fashion designers will draw inspiration out of it. However, will they use it in a good way? We’ll find out soon.
We don’t have to be afraid of encountering a group of princesexuals (indeed this is the name of this trend) having the power to close all the barber shops. Princesexuals… 😉 Let’s put emotions aside, keep distance and not buy a white stallion. Keep calm and be a real man!
In the meanwhile, take a look how the princesexuals present themselves and how they influence the world of fashion! Nothing stays on your way.