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LifestyleWomen's Zone

5 most popular fitness activities for women

August 5, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


The fashion for a healthy lifestyle has come to Poland, it's been developing for a couple of years and becoming more and more interesting for women who seek a healthy lifestyle. And it doesn't seem to stop! All girls feel better thanks to it. More health, more smile and energy! These are the effects of fit-revolution!


Men’s drink: Pisco Sour

June 15, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


In our series 'Men's Drink' we introduce another recipe for real tough guys. Considering the ingredients, which the drink is made of – it's a proposition for men with high level of testosteron. Get to know...


Seductive scent!

June 13, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


The nose is the most erogenous zone and the scent can be a really powerful factor! Even a middlebrow may become Casanova. An object of sighs and desire! A seducer, which no woman can resist... Get all this thanks to the scent!


Men’s Drink: Rob Roy

May 27, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


Who hasn't read or watched 'Rob Roy'? The tales of the legendary outlaw and leader who was famous for his worthiness and romantic soul. Most of you know the history of this Scottish Robin Hood written by Walter Scott. But do you know that he even has his own drink?


How to iron a shirt?

May 23, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


Today, there is time for an important post. When there's no woman at home and the mother is far, far away – ironing becomes your headache. But, be careful and don't take it literally. It's better not to put it near your head – rather to a certain board...