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The devil is in the details – pocket square!

April 1, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


It's hard to believe that not so long ago you couldn't find them in shops. Today, it's an obligatory accent in elegant fashion gaining popularity among casual style enthusiasts. To clarify, we're talking about a pocket square – a small handkerchief put into the breast pocket (the upper pocket of a suit).


Healthy food!

March 31, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


Do you want to have power? Fill up your body with great fuel. If you're not interested in rigorous diets and want to eat healthy but don't know how to start, read this article and get to know the basics.


6 reasons for wearing a watch

March 30, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


In the era of smartphones and other electronic devices, its most important function – measuring time becomes discarded. Despite that, the watch is not an anachronism. A classy man would first check the time on his wrist watch before taking out another device...


Who’s the boss here?

January 29, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


New men's trends are inducing a wave of emotions for the first time and big time because it concerns an alleged deposition. It's the perfect definition. It's caused by the rumour saying that the lumberjack is coming back from the woods and sees a prince sitting on his throne. Is it a revolution or much ado about nothing?


How to feel fresh at the break of dawn?

January 12, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


Do you get up when the alarm clock starts ringing? Or maybe you're still dreaming and going straight to the coffee machine? Do you know that a good start of the day influences your motivation, efficiency and humour? What can you do to save time and use your energy potential?


Jeans through the world!

January 11, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


The Japanese have their kimono, the Mexicans have the Sombrero and the Americans – jeans! With one major difference. Jeans have expanded outside the borders of the US, not as souvenirs, but as absolutely iconic product. Desired and essential. They have revolutionized the fashion world! Get to know the history of jeans!