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5 tips how to lose the tummy!

April 14, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


Summer is at hand and you are still carrying the Rolling Stones' drum hidden under your clothes, aren't you? Or maybe your slightly protruding beer belly is not a problem for you because your girlfriend likes hugging it?


The devil is in the details – pocket square!

April 1, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


It's hard to believe that not so long ago you couldn't find them in shops. Today, it's an obligatory accent in elegant fashion gaining popularity among casual style enthusiasts. To clarify, we're talking about a pocket square – a small handkerchief put into the breast pocket (the upper pocket of a suit).


6 reasons for wearing a watch

March 30, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


In the era of smartphones and other electronic devices, its most important function – measuring time becomes discarded. Despite that, the watch is not an anachronism. A classy man would first check the time on his wrist watch before taking out another device...


MMA in a nutshell!

March 15, 2016 — by Blog Bolf.eu0


MMA stands for mixed martial arts. Briefly speaking, MMA is a kind of sport where contestants fight against each other with every possibly known fighting technique but for the ones that might be dangerous to life and health. Many describe it as modern gladiators fights...